Why I Passionately Work to Conserve Water (As I Squelch Across My Yard)

Ahh, winter…as I write a new snowfall is adding to the remains of the 29″ record-setting blizzard from a couple of weeks ago. As the temperature rises and falls, I squelch or crunch across the lawn in my daily walks to the compost bins. The hugelkultur project is on hold for the moment, but I … More Why I Passionately Work to Conserve Water (As I Squelch Across My Yard)

Why Partner the Water?

Why does anyone get into permaculture? I could list many reasons, starting with three – to provide long-term food in a way that restores the land rather than depleting it; to work with, rather than against, natural processes (thus reducing the workload greatly); to create a self-sustaining mini-ecosystem that supports many forms of life, not just human… For me, … More Why Partner the Water?